Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Pause and Reflect

We just got back from an incredible twelve days in Montana! The time was sweet, the air was CLEAN, and the memories will never be forgotten. Time with family is so sweet, and while we get a ton of time with my side, we don't get nearly as much with Jake's and it was just so sweet to all be together for almost two weeks! I'll get some photos up this week, Jake got some AMAZING shots! But, my time out of this crazy city made me realize how fast life is going.
My baby boy will be ten months old this week! TEN MONTHS! Where did this time go? How is he trying to walk, and talk, and feeding himself, and already moving a million miles a minute? I don't want to look back and see a blur of our life, I want to remember moments, the tiny things, the huge things, all of it.
With that, I've decided to start every week off with a few moments of pausing and reflecting. Each Sunday I want to take some time to look back on the previous week, whether it's the messy hard stuff or the exciting thrilling stuff, I want to be able to look back and at least have these weekly snipits to remember. I hope you all can take the time to be still for a few moments each week and reflect on the many things going on in your own lives.
Baci Baci,

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