Sunday, April 13, 2014

Hudson 7 months

Oh how these seven months have flown by. I am daily amazed that God chose me to be his mama. Each of these milestones becomes harder. I think that each month I am made more aware of how fast this time is flying by, he is already becoming his own little human, his own personality. And Jake and I are the ones entrusted with shaping that little personality. I have never understood in such a tangible way that to whom much is entrusted, much is required.

Baby boy,
I love you more than I could ever compose here. I thank God daily that He allows me to be yours and you to be ours. You are His above everything else, and how I am trusted with you blows my mind on a regular basis. You are adorable, you bring joy to just about everyone you meet, even the few who you're afraid of and let out a terrible cry, you somehow even bring them joy. You have discovered your hands and love to grab one with the other and just look at it as you open and close it. You love to razzle mommy and daddy's arms and tummies when you wake up in bed with us in the morning. If daddy isn't awake yet you love to tap his back to wake him up. You love to be tickled. When I'm wearing you in the carrier and we walk in to a store with music on you bounce up and down to the beat. You love to "drum" anything and everything that is in front of you with your strong little fist. You are already so stubborn, and I know God has great plans for that strong will. Your huge smile, with your two little bottom teeth, brightens everyone's day who gets to see it. I love to watch your eyes get wide and your mouth open up in amazement as you watch daddy drum. I love to watch you learn your words and how to use that beautiful voice. I love being the one who gets to soak up every moment of all that you are.
We love you peanut!

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