Friday, May 9, 2014

Writing history

We're DONE! - Jake is done! He finished his first semester back at school and I am beyond proud of him! I don't know how he is still functioning with how exhausted he is, but he's a fighter.

As he was getting ready for his history final I was going over it with him while he was studying - I had to find a way to spend some more time with him :) And as we were reading over the terms of the "restless youth culture" of the 60s and 70s, as they phrased it, and this new way of life; I found myself realizing these were real people. These were the things I've heard my parents talk about. The stories of World War II are the stories my grandparents have told me about. It's not just stories or terms in a book - it's life. This is life. We are writing history . now ...

I must be a little slow on the uptake because I've taken countless history classes, I've learned about these wars, movements, and so on more times than I can count. But there's something different about history when you're raising a child. I found myself placing our family in those historical scenarios. What if we were living through this, or that, what affect would it have on us? And that's when I realized we are living through these scenarios. The things we are facing now are the things that Hudson will lean about in college 20 years from now.

And I ask myself, what will we leave for him? What will he learn? Will it be the tragedy of war and economic hardship? The liberalization of different people groups? The way other people groups are still being persecuted?

There aren't really answers to these questions, but for me it's so important to be reminded of the responsibility of life. The responsibility of raising a little man, and the part we are playing in our society.

We are writing history, our children will go on to write history. History isn't a book, it's life. We're living it.

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