Friday, May 17, 2013

WASH your fruits & veggies

I do not claim to be a whiz in the kitchen or a master of the agricultural process that takes place to grow our food. But I do have a little observation and a love for documentaries about the food industry. Whatever your views, this is the most practical thing I've learned in a while. We don't buy 100% organic, would love to, but financially it's just a non-opt. right now. I make sure to check the tags on our produce to make sure they are non GMO. This is a great article about what the infamous "GMO" means, and how to read the label to know if your food is or isn't. Whatever you're buying I HIGHLY recommend using this cleaning method. Lots of companies have various "produce cleansers" - I'm not going to lie - I'm a little skeptical about rinsing the chemicals off my fruits and veggies with ... another chemical ... seems self-defeating. Anyways - here's the easiest, cheapest, and, in my opinion, BEST method to clean your produce.

1. fill large pot or sink about 3/4 full with cool water
2. add about 1/2 cup of white distilled vinegar
3. let your produce soak for 5-10 minutes
4. dump vinegar water, rinse with clean water
5. eat or store your freshly cleaned veggies
What you will see by doing this ...
-a disgusting chemical film on the surface of the water before you dump it
-your produce will last longer without going bad
-your produce even tastes better
*don't worry - this doesn't leave your produce tasting vinegary
Enjoy <3 - baci baci

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