Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Well little peanut is growing away! Third trimester, check!

I cannot believe how fast this time has gone! In the beginning 9 months felt forever away, and now that the time is quickly approaching I feel like I'll never be ready on time. God clearly knows we need these 9 months to prepare, mentally, emotionally, obviously physically (on baby's end at least). But as is true with just about every big and new thing in life, we are as ready as God sees that we need to be - maybe not as ready as we think we should be. But His ways truly are higher than ours.

This little surprise - which was a huge surprise - has become one of the greatest blessings in my life already. His greatest gifts in my life always seem to be the most unexpected ones. Taking a moment to stop the craziness and be thankful. baci baci

A little photo update from a recent afternoon in the park with my talented Mr.

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