Tuesday, May 20, 2014

blows and strokes

"Blows that wound cleanse away evil; strokes make clean the innermost parts." Proverbs 20:30

This has been a hard 7 months. There has been a lot of drama and it has just been hard. Multiple people I love so much in the hospital, friends just going through trial after trial, us facing our own trials. 
I don't historically respond well to times like this. I shut off - everything. If you don't feel anything then you don't feel how much it hurts. I don't recommend this - I hate that I've come to this place again. But multiple times today the Lord has been showing me this sentiment. The hard stuff brings the good fruit. 
It doesn't make it less hard. It doesn't make the reality of the difficulty go away. But it does give perspective. And a little perspective makes a big difference. 
As you are facing your own battles and giants in front of you remember - preach to yourself Truth - it's hard, it's real, but it will not be forever and something beautiful will be made from it. 
Praying this brings encouragement to someone else feeling the blows of life are more than they can handle today. 
Back Baci 

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