Monday, May 19, 2014

taking stock & photo drop: life lately


I read this here, and she said it originated here; it looked like fun, so, enjoy ...
Making : a blanket for Hudson's crib
Cooking : more dinners
Drinking : more water
Reading: the Bible, I've gotten so out of my routine with this since having Hudson
Wanting: more time to relax with my little family
Looking: at my babe sleep
Playing: music for Hudson constantly. He LOVES it.
Wasting: time - tired of wasting time frustrated rather than choosing joy.
Sewing: is not my strong suit by I'm working on it
Wishing: time would slow down
Enjoying: having my husband back
Waiting: on the Lord for what's next
Liking: country music - strangely enough - I always go through these random little phases where I like it
Wondering: what our life will look like in a year
Loving: being a wife and mama
Hoping: in the things unseen
Marveling: at God's grace
Needing: more grace for myself and others
Smelling: Hudson's little head
Wearing: a flannel shirt that was my dad's and shorts that were my moms
Following: Jake's leadership - submitting does not come naturally to me
Noticing: Mom world can be a lot like junior high world sometimes
Knowing: that God is in control and sovereign
Thinking: a lot about the responsibilities that come with being a mom and wife
Feeling: like I'm in an awkward middle phase
Bookmarking: 2 Corinthians 4
Opening: a new little company in the next few months
Giggling: with Hudson every time he laughs
Feeling: overwhelmed and thankful all at once 

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